Wednesday, October 08, 2008

I do not meditate so much now. I don't know why. I seem to be contented with just thinking about things and not really applying myself to the things that might be called meditation. Being in Cagayan de Oro City is pretty good for me. I am planting bananas and I often ponder the role of plants in my life. I think of water and nitrogen and sunlight and I know that plants grow on these things. Am I doing something right?

I could be making a website now and Cagayan de Oro City is a good place to be doing that except that I do not have a server and I don't have the internet connection and public ip for communicating with the outside world. That could change if I get someone to buy me the hardware and some money for the internet connection. I will have to give something in return like, maybe make them website where they think they will make a lot of money. Who knows?

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